Popular residents group ACORN will be holding their AGM on 14th April 2016 in the Phoenix club Newton Aycliffe at 6pm.
Nominations to stand for committee positions should be notified to Jen Bewley (Secretary) or Ken Robson ( Chair ) by Friday 8th April by telephone on 321471.
ACORN have had another successful year and continue to go from strength to strength, our events and outings are ever popular and our campaigns are notable by their success.
The ability of ACORN to work in partnership without rancour with similar organisations across the north east is nothing less than remarkable.
From humble beginnings as a neighbourhood watch group in 2011 we have transformed our neighbourhood into a place where neighbours look out for each other, The ACORN community have received accolade from various bodies from the Northumbria in bloom group for our efforts in brightening up the area with planters to our members attending training.
ACORN work in conjunction with police and local bodies to improve infrastructure and public harmony. Through public speakers we seek to inform our members of opportunities and risks surrounding us.
Police representatives Town and County Councillors and livin attend our monthly meetings where possible to offer advice and information.
Come along and meet us for a warm welcome. Little ACORNS our junior group will be holding their meeting at 5.30 pm facilitated by Rebekah Lovejoy and Ellie Picken.
Ken Robson (Chair) 01325 321471