Dear Sir,
Walking into town today, along Stephenson Way from the Silkin Way junction, I was saddened and disgusted at the amount of litter blighting one of the main routes through our town. My husband regularly litter picks from Barrington Road up to – and beyond – St. Joseph’s School, and as part of a group we both litter pick weekly in various parts of our town.
Stephenson Way has its fair share of Councillors living within ‘throwing’ distance and it would be nice to see some of them ‘pick up their (litter picking) sticks’ to help with the tidying, along with residents along the street. Do you like looking at litter from your windows? If everyone did ‘a bit’ (and I’m sure some already do), it would amount to ‘a lot’ and make our town look so much better.
Of course, ultimately, the problem lies with those mindless people who drop the litter in the first place! How do we instil in these people a sense of pride in where we live? That’s the million dollar question.
If the ‘droppers’ are of an older generation, then they should know better. If they are younger people, then they should realise the implications and effects that this litter will have on THEIR futures!
Litter hater!
Name and address supplied
A Sense of Pride