Dear Sir,
When elected as a County Councillor last year, I determined to try to keep people informed and to that end set up a Facebook site at
I update it most days use it as a blog and record all major decisions taken by the Cabinet and the County Council.  I report in detail on those committees on which I sit (including Economy and Environment). I try to publicise things like road works, significant planning applications, local County Council events and initiatives etc. as I am told about them.
I also report on developments and decisions by the Town Council.
Facebook is not a passive medium, and the site gives people the opportunity to comment, complain, ask questions and suggest ideas. I believe that I am accountable, and this is a way people can hold me to account for what I do as a County Councillor. By using the ‘message’ function, residents of Aycliffe North and Middridge ward are also able to use the site as a way to contact me as their County Councillor.
It is a ‘public’ site, so people can, of course, simply visit if and when they want, but recently the 400th person chose to become a ‘friend’ on facebook. It is a figure of which I am proud – as you know it has always been my hope that the people of Aycliffe might be informed and involved in the decisions which direct our community.
I am using this milestone as an opportunity to publicise my facebook page, and to invite everybody in Aycliffe to join it – to keep in touch with what is happening day-by-day on their local councils, and also as an opportunity to respond … positively, negatively or pro-actively!
John D Clare, Aycliffe North and Middridge