A Magical Christmas is coming back to Beamish Hall after last year’s much loved event. The magical family adventure woodland walk takes places behind Beamish Hall and consists of a team of magical characters waiting to make your kid’s dreams come true with a live theatrical performance.
Construction for a Magical Christmas has already taken place in the background of Terror in the Trees, Beamish Hall’s month long Halloween event. The terrifying walk will be whisked away with a magic wand, and replaced with all things feel good as the Hall gears up for a month of Christmas festivities.
The theatrical live performance attraction will include new characters from last year, who will create a bespoke experience for each child with on cue responses to every child’s questions and wonders about Christmas.
Young adventurers will be able to create their own elf name which will help them along their journey along a secret pathway that only elves know. You will meet the magical characters who live there before mixing magic with Santa and becoming an honorary elf.
Within the Enchanted Woodland Beamish Hall have created a world filled with illuminations, magical snow machines, interactive props, projections, and theatrical performers to lose yourself in. Along the elf hidden pathways their interactive sets have been specially commissioned for A Magical Christmas which means that this is a unique experience not to be found anywhere else.
No Christmas event would be complete without an appearance from Father Christmas and his elves. Young adventurers will complete a secret mission to help Father Christmas fly again, taking home a bottle of glitter to sprinkle on Christmas Eve.