Are you aiming for a better 2015? Unresolved issues, physical and mental clutter, and maybe even some extra weight? The PCP has a huge range of activities, support and classes aimed at improving your health and making you feel better!
Come along to a free information event at the Pioneering Care Centre on Tuesday 20th January between 10am – 3pm and get inspired!
A new you calls for a new approach. Releasing and discarding things and thoughts that no longer serve you will free you to be more productive, creative and happy.
Thinking about a new hobby or getting out more? Discover PCP’s big plans for the Community Garden which include hands on learning and training opportunities.
Chat to friendly staff about the ‘Work for Health’ and ‘Colour your Life’ projects and be one of the first to find out what courses are available and sign up on the day.
The Work for Health project is funded by Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership (GAMP) and aims to help people who are having difficulty finding employment. Free 10 week courses are specially designed to support people with health problems who want to improve their skills, confidence and opportunities.
Colour your Life offers 10 week free courses in creative or informal learning activities for the improvement of mental health and the development of emotional resilience.
PCP use professional, experienced tutors to deliver these new and exciting courses to help you learn, create and develop.
With all that festive feasting you may want to get fit or lose weight. PCP Health Trainers will be on hand with advice and support to help people lead a healthier lifestyle. They deliver Check4Life health checks and Move4Life activities across County Durham.
Further details from the Pioneering Care Centre, tel: 01325 321234 email: visit:
Or find PCP on Twitter: @PioneeringCare and Facebook: /PCPandCentre