What a lovely town we have in Newton Aycliffe, since last I wrote an update on my role as Mayor several invitations have arrived from across the North but none of the fancy events the Mayoress and I attend can top the welcome we get here in our hometown.
Some of the best events we go to are coffee mornings, craft fairs and Christmas celebrations. Recently Elaine and I have been entertained at Woodham St Elizabeth’s Church Group coffee morning where a warm reception is always awaiting and St Andrew’s coffee morning at Aycliffe Village Community Centre where we were entertained by a Piper and, dare I say it, won a bottle of wine in the raffle. We also paid a visit to the Phoenix Club who were having a Christmas fair and spoke to a young lady who was selling bespoke clothing. Of course, I couldn’t resist having this beauty made.
Last week the Mayoress and I were honoured to be asked by the Neighbourhood police to help judge the Christmas tree competition which local schools had entered. There were some beautiful displays which made it very hard to choose a winner and my fellow judges had to put forward convincing comments to come to a decision. Many thanks to the neighbourhood police for inviting us to go along with our Police Commissioner Joy Allan and the stars of the show Santa and Mrs Claus, who created wonderful bedlam at all of the schools we visited. We were invited next to a preview of the lovely Christmas extravaganza at The Big Club and met the volunteers who built this amazing structure for the enjoyment of our Newton Aycliffe children. What a magnificent thing to do with the support of so many local businesses.
The Mayor and Mayoress have many civic duties to perform too and one of the most impressive is the Mayor’s Civic Carol Service at which dignitaries and councillors attend alongside local residents, including children, to give thanks and sing carols, this is a wonderful affair which anyone can attend. I was very pleased to see such a great turnout including the Chair of Durham County Council and the Mayor of Durham City David Freeman. Many thanks to our local Clergy Jeff, Ann, Steph, Dan and Eileen. Also, volunteers who served refreshments and parishioners who came along to support us.
Mayor, Ken Robson