The Greenfield Arts Men’s Cree group have been getting hands on and creating something positive to be shared with others. Their recent renovation struck a cheery note as they brought back to life an old piano, kindly donated by Durham University.
The group, led by Richard Agar, have put their heads together to design and create something that brings a smile to your face and offers musical opportunities to others. The men have meticulously stripped down the piano, taking inspiration from Greenfield’s brand. They have prepared and painted each piece and have now put it back together with great care, allowing a lovely window into the workings of the instrument that gives it a cheerful character.
This is just one of many opportunities the Cree have enjoyed over the past few months, working alongside artists and practitioners to explore the world around them through creative activities. The men have been learning more about identity and heritage through projects about the local area and railways. The group are now looking forward to their next challenge and are making a commemorative bench marking 75 years of the town. The bench will be donated to a local care home to be enjoyed by residents in the near future and we are excited to see it come together.
The Greenfield Arts Cree is a wellbeing group that enables members to explore ideas, express themselves and give to the community to support wellbeing and their own positive mental health. The Cree are inclusive and are always happy to welcome new members. The group are supported by GAMP, Durham Public Health and Durham Community Action.
If you think you would like to join, contact our team to find out more by emailing or call our friendly team on 01325 379048.
Cree Group ‘In Tune’