For over 30 years residents of Lumley Close have been asking for a layby for what is the smallest and narrowest street in the town.
In all this time despite promises by Councillors nothing has been done meanwhile cars have been damaged, and kerbstones dislodged.
It is very unsafe for elderly people and ambulances cannot get to people’s homes in an emergency. Cars using the close for the Big Club and Sugar Hill School make it more difficult and many park on the pavement or grass verge which is a hazard for pedestrians. Council wagons cannot get into the close and the verges have deep ruts and look awful.
The residents have signed a petition calling again for a layby to be installed, sending it to our MP, Newton News and Durham County Council. It is annoying as there is an oversized grassed area where a layby would fit without spoiling the green.
“It is disgraceful that many other areas in the town can get laybys whilst we are ignored for all these years. We have waited far too long and fear a serious accident has to occur before something is done” said a resident, Mrs Hindmarch.