Dear Sir,
I would like to make a comment on the Poppy Display; (last week’s Newton News). I was told about this and discussed it with the late Syd Howarth. I feel that we should maintain this project as a reminder of those service personnel who have lost their lives in all wars.
I know Margaret Lee but not everyone in the sewing group. I have not been made aware of the local Councillor but he/she needs to be made aware that this town of Newton Aycliffe is a military town, we have two TA centres. You only need to walk down the Simpasture Line to the Nature Reserve the military have been here since and before the second world war. We have several members of our community who are living in the area having served in both Afghanistan and Iraq, plus tours of other trouble spots including Northern Ireland. On a personal note, I would have not been living in Newton Aycliffe if I had not served with the army. I met my future wife while serving.
We missed the remembrance parade last year and the poppy appeal. I think we should continue with the poppy project, started by Syd Howarth when it was just an idea. I would put it to the sewing group that they should put their ideas to the Council and then send it to the Town Clerk, that way all council members can have their say and if the sewing group need some help they can contact me.
Councillors need to be aware that the people put them there to serve the community not the other way round, sometimes if the public want this to continue. Then I am sure they will make it known. Because Newton Aycliffe was only formed from the outcome of world war two we did not have a war memorial, the one you see outside St. Clare’s Church was another idea of Syd Howarth and supported by the Town Council. Vince Crosby