Dear Sir,
I am pleased Newton Aycliffe now has Parking Wardens, as parking around our Town Centre by inconsiderate and not so law-abiding motorists is ridiculous to the point of being dangerous!
Even some Blue Badge Holders think they can just park anywhere, yet Newton Aycliffe is one of the few towns that offers Free Parking in it’s car parks.
I am also hoping the Wardens will visit other areas such as outside schools, where parking by parents continues to be done illegally and dangerously, like stopping on the Zig – Zag lines, on the corner of junctions, in front of drive ways.
I recently observed on more that one occasion, a driver parking in front of a driveway on Vane Road, display his Blue Badge and then walk into the school, surely this is an abuse of the rules.
Will Wardens visit residential areas of our town, where car owners don’t seem to think before they park?
They park on the pavement /grass, double park, on bus stops, in the turn round arrears of Cul – de – Sacs, close to or in front of other peoples drives/garages or just where they please. It doesn’t matter to them if they upset other residents, cause problems for other drivers or pedestrians, or worse still deny access for Emergency Services.
Aycliffe Resident