We still have spaces for the new Shopping Club for Newton Aycliffe with Shildon Community Bus.
After the successful demand for our Shildon shopping trips, which are now fully booked, we are running a fortnightly shopping club for Newton Aycliffe residents from Friday 23rd July 2021. Would you like transport to and from your home plus the services of someone to carry your shopping to the door? We are travelling every two weeks to go shopping at the bigger Supermarkets at Tindale, Bishop Auckland. If you would like to join us, please register your interest. Call the bus office on 01388 773666 and leave your name, address and contact number. Each trip will cost £3.00. Under the terms of our operator’s license, you must join as a club member and the annual fee will be £5.00. We look forward to serving the community in 2021. You can of course message us via Facebook @shildoncommunitybus. All are welcome. If you would like to discuss this further, call Clare on 07515 644194.