PAEDIATRIC FIRST AID COURSE – Only a few places left so to book onto this well priced accredited 2 day course open to ALL at £32-50 – Tuesday 17th July and Thursday 19th July from 9am to 5pm ring Jane on 07761 818514 at any time.
If you are in receipt of ESA or JSA this course will be FREE.
BRASS BAND CONCERT – By a German band playing both UK modern pop and Bavarian will take place on Friday 20th July at 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Tickets from £2 with Family tickets at £6 for 2 Adults and 2 Children. Contact Agnew Community Centre or ring 01325 321504 office or 07749 236853 for your tickets which are limited to 60. Price includes a Tea, Coffee, Juice, Biscuits and Mix up bag of sweets for the children.