At our previous meeting it was agreed to change the meeting time to make it easier for people who are getting in from work or childcare commitments to attend. The meetings will start with refreshments at 6.15pm with the PACT starting at 6.30pm followed by the Residents meeting.

At this month’s meeting our new County and Town Councillors will be attending, and this is an ideal platform to speak to them. Representatives from the Police, Town and County Wardens and Livin to help make your good neighbourhoods better.

If you have any concerns or questions they will be more than willing to resolve them. We will be discussing what activities you would like the Committee to arrange for the coming months i.e. Quiz, Table Top Sale, Bus Trips (Sunderland Dogs).

We are also looking to more training courses like First Aid, CIBT (building site safety). If there are any courses you think will help our residents to gain employment or further their job prospects and improve their life skills please come to the meeting and help us to make this possible.

Please if you can bring along something for the Food Bank, you donated 53.6kg in our first donation, which was a fantastic effort. I would like to thank everyone who donated and I am overwhelmed by the support this project has received showing that people care for the most vulnerable in our society. Looking forward to seeing you at your Residents meeting.

Philip Clark, Chairman