There’s so much pain in our planet,
Covid’s here and how can it,
Cause such hurt and fear?
People dying, so many tears.
Families unable to meet,
We keep our distance in the street,
When we go for our daily walk.
Wave to our neighbour but can only talk,
If we keep them at a distance,
Until we’ve found a strong resistance,
To this virus that has ravaged,
With a stealth that is so savage.
But we will not be ground down,
Soon hospitals won’t be filled with caring nurses in PPE gowns,
We will rise up and overcome,
Though so much damage has been done.
We’ve found a vaccine
So pray that our earth will soon be clean,
Of this scourge,
That we must purge.
Our thanks will never be enough to key workers,
Among them there are no shirkers.
Every one deserved applause,
When on Thursdays we made a noise,
And now please pay nurses a decent wage,
They’ve battled so hard as Covid raged.
But we’ll have it on the run,
Covid-19, don’t think you’ve won!
MMK, January 2021