Dear Sir,

I would like to respond to the person commenting on the pavement parking issue. While it is written in law, pavement parking is not legal, however, some authorities do not penalize pavement parking, which is not acceptable by any means.

I have a large vehicle (car) in my garage, it is 15’ 9″ long, my garage door is an up and over outward door, which means it takes up 50 percent + 4 feet of the adopted highway, (extra) land outside of my garage, if people park opposite my garage it is dangerous for me to remove my vehicle from the garage.

I also own a 21’ motor home which is parked on my drive, it can only be removed if the pavement opposite is not obstructed, even if it is partial.

We have a lot of pensioners, including myself, (74), who have to go onto the grass to get past these cars, some get stuck in the mud, it is horrendous to witness and people should have more common sense with their parking. Unfortunately, not a lot do have any common sense, it is an offence to park on paths, so stop it now.

Remember, you will be old one day, then you will see what we are trying to stop. Please think before parking.

Thank you

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