The Play Café project, set up to help families of school aged children during school holidays, received overwhelming support from employees of 3M at Christmas.
“We cannot thank them enough for all the gifts given to the many families we helped this year,” said Alison Firby, a volunteer with the charity. “3Mers have gone above and beyond anything we might realistically have expected of their generous offer of support.”
Stephanie Heaviside contacted the project in early November, hoping to help provide some presents and Christmas Hamper foods to cheer the families after such a difficult year. She has also been amazed at fellow 3Mers response. Working 12 hour shifts 24/7 at the local site on the Business Park since the Pandemic began creating PPE; there had been little activity in the Sports & Social Club – How would they manage to do this?
Worldwide apparently, 3Mers are known to have three things in common; they are curious, creative and passionate – about making a difference. They want to change the world for the better.
“They certainly changed Christmas for 48 children and their parents in Newton Aycliffe” said Alison.
It started with a tree, covered in name tags, for employees to take away and buy presents on their behalf. Then came the super Christmas day foods; pudding and pies, Yule log, trifle and cream, pate, crackers and more. Christmas crackers to give a party atmosphere and even after dinner mints. Alison said “It was awesome – so many tears shed as we arranged to receive all this ‘goodness’ – for perfect strangers!”
It was a wonderful response and still the 3Mers did more. They set up a pyjama fund and the children were all bought lovely M&S PJs. The children had a fabulous Christmas and some have just received their PJs this week with the Play Café New Year support pack.
A cash donation from the Sports & Social Fund last year was used to buy Family Passes to Beamish Museum. A similar donation will enable the Play Café to continue running trips there and hopefully elsewhere, when the restrictions are eased. Our families, volunteers and Trustees would like to take this opportunity to thank Stephanie and all the 3Mers for making a very quiet Christmas so, so special.
Thank you.
Alison Firby
Photo: Geoff Batchelor (Rotary Newton Aycliffe), Stephanie Heaviside (3M) and Alison Firby (Play Café)