Things are quietening down, but still admitting wherever we can, Tara and myself have twenty little or sick babies that won’t be released before spring. Our latest admission is Matty, he is quite poorly with mange, he will take a long time to recover and may even lose his quills, if that happens he has a jumper specially bought for him by Vinny, a lovely red one too.
We also have a new Facebook site, should anyone like to help us or learn how things are going, I always check Facebook, so if anyone has any questions, problems or need help, it is there for you and ourselves, because sometimes we need your help too with bringing in much needed funds.
Donations, either monetary or items to sell on our car boot stall, however small, are greatly appreciated. We will take these little ones into our homes, we care for them in our own time and also attending events like car boot sales, has of course been stopped due to the lockdown. Any help, however small, is greatly appreciated.
Hope to squeeze in another car boot sale before Christmas, fingers crossed. Here is our new Facebook page: Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel and our email address:
Finally, another thank you to Jane and Sonya, who regularly donate kitten food for our lovelies, it’s gratefully appreciated.
Tip of the week: Hedgehogs that weigh less than 450 grams will not survive the winter, rescue centres will, wherever possible, take them in, especially if found in the daytime, hibernation is not an option so please get help for them.