This week Woodham Academy has launched an innovative new project designed to encourage students to read more widely.
Over the course of the next few weeks the school will be releasing to students mock press releases, TV interviews, CSI reports, suspect profiling and other information based upon a fictional event where suspicious items were found buried on the school grounds. Amongst these items was an old war medal and students are required to track the information on the school’s virtual learning environment and explore them for clues.
Successful students who manage to put all of the pieces of the story together and identify the culprit will be invited to a secret reward event and have the opportunity to win a secret prize.
Literacy Co-ordinator Josie Geatches said “This is going to be excellent! Students are already enthused over the project. We are getting a lot of excellent feedback already.”
There is even a clue for Woodham Academy students hidden in this article!