Newton News is sad to report that Honest John is no longer able to continue with his charity work.

John has had a rough couple of months, having lost a lot of weight and not feeling well for some time. He has also spent a stint in hospital, which proved unsuccessful in diagnosing his condition.

John has reported that he is unable to continue with the charity shop and wished Newton News to pass on his thanks and appreciation to the residents of Newton Aycliffe who have not only donated to the shop, but also helped raise over £220,000 in the last 12 years, purchasing goods to help town organisations.

We hope to report good news in the near future, regarding John’s health, but we wish John a speedy recovery and wish him well for the future. John said, “It has been a fantastic journey over the last 12+ years. It all started on a two table, uncovered stall on a constantly raining Tuesday market day in October 2007. The stall site and storage cost £30 per week, fair enough, not a lot, but I took £11 on my first week.”

“I liked to think of myself as the ‘Lone Raiser’ (I have always liked Western movies, so why not?), but instead I became ‘Honest John’, a name usually associated with dodgy, rogue car dealers. It suited my sense of humour, Honest John’s Fundraising Stall. Then in 2013, when I became a registered charity, John’s Aycliffe Community Kitty (Jack) arrived”.

John continued, “never in a thousand years could I have ever dreamed that in 12 years, £11 would become £220,000. I will always feel honoured to have had the trust, belief and support of thousands of donors and customers over those years. It has been one big community effort to get to this stage in my fundraising. It has not been hard work, but it has been 100% pleasure”.

Unfortunately my health has let me down and now there is no alternative for me but to close up shop and the charity”.

“I would like to thank Paul Howarth, the Market Traders, Bryan Haldane, Newton Press, DISC, Syd Howarth, Roger Pounder (Trustee), MP Paul Howell, Arun Chandran, Little Margaret and not forgetting my biggest supporter and the love of my life, Val. I have suffered many long term health issues during my fundraising years and you, the good people of Newton Aycliffe, have helped me in many ways and given me the strength to carry on. Through your support and encouragement I will never forget and I thank you all so very much”.

Honest John has helped many organisations in Newton Aycliffe averaging approximately £20,000 per annum, details of organisations who have been helped can be found on his website – many of the groups John helped received an annual donation, and not just a one off payment.

John moved from a weekly market stall to a shop in Humankind (DISC) next to the Blue Bridge, up until the end of August 2018, then moving into a larger self contained unit at 29 Durham Way South, Aycliffe Business Park, Newton Aycliffe.

John would like to thank everyone who has either donated goods to the cause, purchased an item or made a monetary donation, “I will be forever grateful to the generous residents of Newton Aycliffe and the surrounding area who have helped to raise many thousands of pounds for needy community groups and organisations”, said John.

Over 120 local charities and organisations have been helped over the last 12 years by John’s kindness and generosity, and Newton News would like to record their thanks on behalf of the community for a job well done.

Honest John – Please Note:

John is currently convalescing at home and has requested not to be disturbed, please do not ring or call at his home. Cards and messages can be relayed through Newton Press.