Durham Constabulary is dedicated to making your neighbourhood safer. If you have any issues affecting your quality of life and want to discuss it with your Neighbourhood Policing Team, then get involved in your local PACT meeting.

Wednesday 15th January 2020 (12-1pm) Greenfield School
Thursday 16th January 2020 (12-1pm) Woodham Academy
Wednesday 29th January 2020 (6-7pm) Greenfield Arts College
Saturday 8th February 2020 (2-4pm) Town Centre – Tescos
Wednesday 12th February 2020 (6-7pm) Western Area Community Centre
Thursday 27th February 2020 (6-7pm) Woodham Community Centre
Wednesday 11th March 2020 (6-7pm) School Aycliffe Community Centre
Thursday 12th March 2020 (6-7pm) Aycliffe Village Community Centre
Wednesday 25th March 2020 (6-7pm) Middridge Community Centre
Saturday 4th April 2020 (2-4pm) Town Centre – Tescos
Wednesday 8th April 2020 (6-7pm) Western Area Community Centre
Thursday 23rd April 2020 (6-7pm) Woodham Community Centre
Wednesday 6th May 2020 (12-1pm) Greenfield School
Thursday 7th May 2020 (12-1pm) Woodham Academy
Wednesday 20th May 2020 (6-7pm) Greenfield Arts College
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 (6-7pm) Western Area Community Centre
Saturday 13th June 2020 (2-4pm) Town Centre – Tescos
Thursday 18th June 2020 (6-7pm) Woodham Community Centre
Wednesday 1st July 2020 (5-6pm) School Aycliffe Community Centre
Thursday 2nd July 2020 (6-7pm) Aycliffe Village Community Centre
Wednesday 15th July 2020 (6-7pm) Middridge Community Centre
Saturday 25th July 2020 (2-4pm) Town Centre – Tescos
Wednesday 29th July 2020 (6-7pm) Western Area Community Centre
Thursday 13th August 2020 (6-7pm) Woodham Community Centre
Friday 4th September 2020 (12-1pm) Greenfield School
Friday 4th September 2020 (12-1pm) Woodham Academy
Wednesday 9th September 2020 (6-7pm) Greenfield Arts College
Saturday 19th September 2020 (2-4pm) Town Centre – Tescos
Wednesday 23rd September 2020 (6-7pm) Western Area Community Centre
Thursday 8th October 2020 (6-7pm) Woodham Community Centre
Wednesday 21st October 2020 (6-7pm) School Aycliffe Community Centre
Thursday 22nd October 2020 (6-7pm) Aycliffe Village Community Centre
Wednesday 4th November 2020 (6-7pm) Middridge Community Centre
Wednesday 18th November 2020 (6-7pm) Western Area Community Centre
Saturday 28th November 2020 (2-4pm) Town Centre – Tescos
Thursday 3rd December 2020 (6-7pm) Woodham Community Centre
Wednesday 16th December 2020 (12-1pm) Greenfield School
Thursday 17th December 2020 (12-1pm) Woodham Academy
Wednesday 30th December 2020 (6-7pm) Greenfield Arts College
Saturday 9th January 2020 (2-4pm) Town Centre – Tescos
Wednesday 13th January 2021 (6-7pm) Western Area Community Centre
Thursday 28th January 2021 (6-7pm) Woodham Community Centre

The meetings all start at 6.00pm and will be attended by a representative from your Neighbourhood Policing Team. They will be specific to your area and individual neighbourhood priorities will be discussed. All members of the community are welcome. You can talk to us privately afterwards if you wish.