The Town Council is in the process of developing its Revenue and Capital Budget for the 2020/21 financial year.
Clearly the budget that we set is important to our local community, both in terms of how our spending plans may impact on the provision of services and investment in assets for the benefit of the town, and in terms of the level of Council Tax that we need to raise from local taxpayers in order to fund these plans.
In overall terms, the Council is proposing a 2020/21 Budget that protects and maintains all of our current services next year, whilst putting some additional resources into the development of new community events.
The Council is also maintaining some surplus resources in the budget which will allow it to replenish its balances and reserves. This will help ensure that we can continue to make capital investment in community assets such as our cemeteries, allotments, parks and play areas, for the benefit of the community, in the coming years.
In order to do so, the Council is proposing that it raises the Town Council proportion of the Council Tax bill by 2.25% next year.
This increase is broadly in line with the current rate of inflation and will allow the Council to absorb forecast increases in its running costs next year and make the additional investment in community events referred to above.
This would increase the Town Council element of the Council Tax bill by £3.67 per year for the vast majority of local taxpayers i.e. those living in Band A properties.
The Council appreciates that any increase in the monthly outgoings of our local taxpayers will not be popular.
However, we hope you will agree that a monthly increase of 31p is a small price to pay to ensure that all of the existing services provided by the Town Council can be protected for another year alongside the benefit of additional investment next year in new and improved community events.
Have Your Say
There is much more information on the Council’s draft 2020/21 budget proposals, should you wish to read this, on the finance section of the Council’s website.
If you wish to comment on the draft budget or provide your views on the services provided by the Town Council, we have recently issued our Your Town, Your Choice, Your Voice Survey. The survey can be accessed electronically via the links on the Council website and social media channels and copies are also available at various community facilities around the town.
We are also holding Open Days to launch the consultation and provide the opportunity for members of the public to meet key officers and members of the Council. Full details are set out in the accompanying advert below.