The Pioneering Care Centre has recently opened its doors to a new Memory Garden activity for those suffering with memory problems and Dementia. Maintaining physical activity and social interaction really benefits people living with dementia to help them remain stimulated, feel valued and helpful.
The community garden at PCP is easily accessible and is ran by a large group of workers and volunteers who benefit greatly from plotting, planning, digging and much more. However, the Memory Garden group offers a range of indoor and chair based activities for those less able, to make the sessions easy and fun for all. The fruit and vegetable produce from the garden is used in the centre’s Garden Kitchen coffee shop, to make delicious lunchtime specials through the week.
With special thanks to GAMP AAP Funding, members have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions so far, and enjoy putting forward ideas and planning for future sessions. Alison Nicholson, Gardening Projects Support Officer at PCP, said “coming from a career background of care, I have always enjoyed my role in enabling and supporting others. The Memory Garden is a friendly and welcoming group; I am thrilled that we have already been able to introduce some of the ideas from participants in our sessions.”
Gardening can have a very positive impact on wellbeing. The Memory Garden plans to encourage socialising, team work and promote physical activity. Members can get involved with planning, prepping and planting as well as maintenance and harvesting, allowing them to see the difference every time they visit the garden, and becoming familiar with the area.
For further information about PCP please contact us at the Pioneering Care Centre, Carer’s Way, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 4SF tel: 01325 321234 email: website:
Or follow PCP on Twitter: @PioneeringCare and Facebook: @PCPandCentre