Zanshin Kai Karate, based at Woodham Community Centre, recently held the second club grading of the year for both their Red Dragons Cadets class & the Zanshin Kai Senior class, all of the students who graded demonstrated skill, hard work and great spirit, leading to them all successfully gaining their new belts.

Senior class:

Shaun James, Angel James, Summer James, Joshua Joice and Jacob Dobie – 7th Kyu Orange Belt

Joey Collins – 6th Kyu Green Belt and Julia Quinonez – 5th Kyu Blue Belt.

Red Dragons Cadets:

Macey Maclean, Posi Ashiru, Finley Cochrane – 7th Mon Orange Belt.

Martha Noble, Lola Giudice, Adam Smith, Emma Smith and Erin Sutherland – 1st Mon Brown Belt (9th Kyu Red Belt).

Special congratulations to these five students who completed our Cadets programme and graduated into the Senior class.

If you have always wanted to try karate, then we would like to invite you to come and join us, all newcomers get four weeks free trial classes.

Classes are

Thursdays 6 to 7pm

Red Dragons (Cadets)

Sunday 4 to 6pm

Juniors and Adults

Contact Zanshin-Kai Karate at 07917 203421 or 07746 204064 or email Facebook (zanshin kai karate newton aycliffe).