Dear Sir,
On the social side, Government(s) have persistently failed to act in a situation developing between religions over the question of meat and other products. The law allows for food to meet religious requirements for consumption within that religion. While specific exemption is made on religious grounds there is no specific restriction to consumption, only within that particular religion.
Conflict is arising in the marketing of such food because the Government, despite widespread requests and petitions, will not regulate the clear marking of the product.
As a result the consumer does not know the source. Yet our MP’s have banned such foods in Parliamentary restaurants. The public are increasingly demanding the same right of choice.
It’s called democracy.
Parliament prefers privilege. It ignores the people – until they will no longer be ignored.
Why do MP’s dally on?
Similarly with so many of our innovative scientific and technological industries where Britain ranks as world leaders. All allowed to be bought by foreign countries.
It seems as if politicians do not appreciate their real value to our country, rather than the short term cash inflow when they are sold.
Again why does the Royal Navy have too few ships? Why is our Army stretched too far? What are our MP’s actually doing when they ‘oversee’ Parliament on our behalf?
For my part, I dream of a world without Politicians. Sadly, we need them as they can (mostly) expose the lies that other nations tell us. The identical reason why other countries need Politicians. A sort of mutually beneficial, self generating, job market.
Yours faithfully
J D Whittaker
The Bridle