This last year the Hub of Wishes mental health charity in Newton Aycliffe, enjoyed a special Christmas time and it’s all down to Livin’.
First, they funded a bus trip for members to visit York Christmas Market with lunch included. Though the day was cold and drizzly, spirits were high and everyone enjoyed this very special treat, especially those who had never visited a Christmas market or York. We had a lovely lunch and even had time for a little more shopping before we left for home.
Second, they funded our Christmas lunch which is held in the centre and usually members pay for this. However, this time in 2018, 30 people enjoyed a spectacular home cooked Christmas lunch, held in the centre and a fabulous time was had by all. Thanks to Vicki, Jo and their volunteers for cooking the lunch, for decorating the tables and making it a special day. A special thank you to PCSO’s Chris O’Brien and Jen Atkinson for their contribution to the day. This was truly a lunch to remember and definitely a highlight of 2018 for all at the charity.
Third, when Livin’ heard we were opening the centre on Christmas Day to cook a lunch for those members who were on their own, they also decided to fund this as well. We have never done this before, but we had such a good day and each person left with a small gift. We hope to continue this in the future.
Really, this has made such a difference to Hub of Wishes members this last year and we cannot thank Livin’ enough. Christmas can be such a difficult, emotional time for people, especially in addition to their mental health issues. Our centre provides a safe, friendly place where people can discuss their problems or worries. Everyone is supported.
Hub of Wishes is open 10.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday and a new evening service operates Wednesday evenings from 6pm – 9pm.
Telephone – 01325 300121 Email –
PLEASE NOTE OUR WEBSITE IS (there is no “the” before hub). We are on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
Hub Of Wishes Thanks Livin’