1st Four Kidz out of school club has been rated good following their recent Ofsted inspection. Liz Jones the owner of 1st Four Kidz is extremely proud of all her staff and her manager Sharon Lynch for her outstanding hard work and commitment to her job. Staff have worked hard to ensure that improvements since the last inspection have been implemented and the inspection result reflects the progress that has been made. Effective systems with clear action plans have allowed for continuous improvement to take place.
Children who attend the club are settled and secure and confident in their environment.
Ofsted stated that staff act as good role models and that children benefit from a well established key person system which ensures that the individual needs of children are continuously met. Children within the early year’s foundation stage are making good progress in their learning and development. Strong relationships with schools ensure that the activites in the club help to promote the learning children make in school. “well planned systems to identify children’s starting points are in place.”
The club is dedicated to providing an environment that promotes the safeguarding of children at all times. This was reflected by Ofsted who said that ‘the club gives a high priority to safeguarding”. Polices and procedures were recognised as being comprehensive and risk assessments are described as being detailed ensuring the safety of all children is maintained at all times. The Inspector commented that staff are well informed about safeguarding procedures.
The club has strong relationships with parents and feedback from parents is very positive. The inspector said that parents described the staff as being friendly and approachable and that children enjoy coming to the club”.
Staff at 1st Four Kidz would like to thank the staff of Sugar Hill Primary School for their continued support. All staff are now feeling positive that they can implement the recommendations made by the inspectors so that they can achieve outstanding at their next inspection.