Our second meeting will be held on the 6th March and follows the monthly pact meeting starting at 6pm at the Evangelical Church.

Last year after several months of poor weather one of the biggest problems was anti-social playing of football. Footballs were kicked against shop, church doors, cars and the youths causing a nuisance to pensioners. This brought disgust so we asked what could be done to rectify the problem. The idea of building a Multi Use Game Area was proposed knowing the town had three but all a good distance away.

We felt that our youth were being let down and this spurred us on to ask why our quarter of the town did not have such a play area. We started to look at ways of building a MUGA and after several meetings the Town Council agreed to donate the land, do ground works to the value of £2000, maintain and insure  the area for the lifetime of the structure.

We started look for funding and  realised we had to a registered group so the Residents Association was formed and from this realised there was more we could do to make our neighbourhood a better place to live.

We call the group Horndale Residents Association as we hold meetings at the Church who offer their premises free of charge.  The association covers all estates in the Greenfield and Middrige ward. Most members have lived in the area for up to 40 years. We want to make our community better, but can only do this with the help of everyone.

We have ideas like fun days, training courses, litter picking etc. Our first training day is on the subject of food handling which is to be held in March in conjunction with Skill Share and it is already full! We may be able to repeat it later in the year if we get enough people interested.

Please attend our meetings and help us fulfil our aims. It is also a good chance to speak to the Police, Councillors and Livin. You can speak openly during the meetings or to someone in private on any problems or concerns which are affecting your daily lives. The more people who attend gives us a bigger voice for the authorities to take notice.

The committee look forward to see you at the monthly meetings to work together to make some of the ideas a reality.

Philip Clark