Dear Sir,
As citizens we are encouraged to look after our elderly and infirm in our neighbourhoods, particularly when the winter months leave us with snow covered roads and icy paths.
ACORN take this in hand voluntarily and members take pride in clearing paths and dangerous stretches of roads in our neighbourhood where possible.
Imagine the consternation of our membership when grit from a box on Lightfoot Road was emptied and taken away to be used in another area.
We were told that DCC had prepared for the winter weather with high stocks of grit available, yet, when we ask for replenishment of our supply we are told that supplies have run out! Consequently our pensioners and disabled have to struggle whilst our stocks of grit are used elsewhere.
The roads in this area are rarely cleared with a plough and residents recognise that finance is tight for local government and therefore try to do things for ourselves instead of constantly relying on the Council. Anyone involved in community work recognises the advantages of the mobilisation of volunteers but we have to give them the tools to do the job.
Perhaps someone can tell us who has priority usage of salt reserves, Council premises or access to bungalows and footpaths where residents are in danger of falling.
Ken Robson ( Chair )
Acorn Residents Association