Dear Sir,

Newton Aycliffe is fast becoming a mess of green spaces with rubbish strewn everywhere. To add insult to my complaints the County Council has still not replied to my concerns on the Agnew 3 bushes and green areas not being tidied up or pruned back. Agnew 2 has all been done and I was getting excited that we would be next.

That’s a laugh as it is now January and still no sign of our area being done, YET . . . we are told the Woods and pathways are cleared to make them nice for people to walk along.

What about us citizens who pay high council tax who have pride in our gardens and the area we reside? We also now have to pay more for garden rubbish being removed – NO wonder everyone is annoyed.

I get so fed up of rubbish all over the area, but Woodham is lovely and tidy with plenty of waste bins along the way and is a pleasure to walk.

Why can’t Council estates have that too?

Karen Saunders

As sent to the Editor of the Newton News. If you have a view about out local area that you need to express, please send to