This appeal decision has been reached and it’s good news for residents. The Planning Inspector dismissed the appeal by Livin to demolish 12 garages and construct 5 dwellings at Armstrong Close. The main reason for dismissal was ‘that it would not be in character and appearance of the area’ GANP Policy CH3. As the Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan has been approved at referendum it now forms part of the statutory decision making process to determine planning applications within the Parish of Great Aycliffe and the Inspector took this into consideration during his assessment of the appeal. The Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan was referenced throughout the appeal decision notice. Whilst it was disappointing the Inspector felt some policies in particular GANP Policy T1 which seeks to ensure that new developments do not result in additional on-street parking or have an unacceptable adverse impact on the character of the area was being met by the proposal, it was pleasing that significant weight had been given to the GANP overall. The Inspector also noted there would be some small scale economic benefits arising from the proposal and a small social benefit from the provision of additional housing, but the benefits did not outweigh the adverse impact on the area.
Although national planning policy is in favour of sustainable development the Inspector found the proposal would conflict with Policy L5 of the Local Plan (existing Durham County Council plan) and Policy CH3 (which aims to protect the existing amenity open spaces and recreational areas) of the GANP. Although developing the GANP was a lengthy process this proves it was worth the hard work. Thanks to everyone who took the time to help prepare the document. This was ‘people power’ at its best, from anyone who took the time to comment to the residents of Armstrong Close who undertook an effective and vocal campaign against the development, your voices were heard. Hopefully this will now set the precedent for similar proposals that may come forward in the future.
Councillor P. Bergg Chairman GATC Planning Sub-Committee