Greenfield Community College are very sad to be losing two senior members of staff this summer term as they move on to pastures new. Head of School Chris Stonehouse joined Greenfield in 1990 and has been an integral part of the leadership team over the past 14 years. She began her career at Greenfield as history teacher and has been a very popular and well-respected member of staff throughout this time. During the past year Chris has been busy both at Greenfield and on secondment at education Durham and is now looking forward to a full-time career move, her talents and commitment will be truly missed. Assistant Headteacher Jacqui Gibbs has also announced that she will be leaving this summer, Jacqui has enjoyed over twenty years service at Greenfield, joining as Head of the English Department in 1990.
She has made a wonderful contribution to both academic and extracurricular activities within the school, recently setting up a popular running club for staff and students. Jacqui is looking forward to enjoying a well-earned retirement although if her Wednesday evening running sessions are anything to go by its unlikely that she will be hanging up her trainers or enjoying quiet seclusion! Staff at Greenfield organised a special celebration to enable staff to say goodbye and show their appreciation for the dedication they have shown to Greenfield Community College. David Priestley, Executive Headteacher was full of praise for his staff “Both members of staff are valued colleagues and have made a huge contribution to the life of our school, leaving a strong legacy that will ensure we can build a successful future.”