The Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP) was delighted to be awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service on Friday 2nd June, one of only 2 organisations in County Durham, and one of 6 across the whole of the North East! The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service was created by Her Majesty in 2002 and is the highest award given to volunteer groups across the UK for outstanding work done in their local communities for the benefit of others. This prestigious UK honour sets the national benchmark for excellence and is the equivalent of an MBE. The Award celebrates how, for the past 18 years, PCP Trustees have demonstrated foresight and vision with the ambition to foster the growth of a highlysuccessful, wide-ranging and well-respected health and wellbeing organisation.
It acknowledges the real difference PCP has made for literally thousands of people every year, and the Award recognises the energy, hard work and persistence of the whole staff team, led by a Chief Executive and Senior Management Team who provide unequivocal passion, drive and commitment. Personal congratulations and best wishes were received from H.M. Lord-Lieutenant of County Durham, Mrs Sue Snowdon, who said, “You are very worthy recipients. Your organisation has made a real difference to the lives of others, and this recognition is so well deserved, and I thank you most sincerely for all you do.” Carol Gaskarth, PCP’s Chief Executive said, “We are all absolutely thrilled and very proud to receive such a marvellous accolade for our work. PCP hugely values the contribution volunteers and staff make supporting local people to improve their health and wellbeing.
We’ve grown from a local Newton Aycliffe based charity and now deliver services across County Durham, Tees Valley and Sunderland. It is very apt that the Award winners are announced in Volunteers Week as we celebrate the fantastic contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK. PCP really couldn’t be the success it is without local people dedicating their time to volunteer. We look forward to The Lord-Lieutenant visiting to present our Award signed by The Queen.” If you would like to hear more about PCP or if you are interested in supporting us as a volunteer please get in touch by email or call 01325 321234