124 Recovery Company played host to employers of Army Reservists and supportive employers at a Curry Supper on Tuesday 6th September in The Aycliffe Armoury. The purpose of the evening was to thank those employers of army reservists for the support that they have given to their employees with regards to their Army Reserve commitment. It was also an opportunity to raise awareness of the Employer Recognition Scheme which acknowledges the part played by employers at three different levels; gold, silver or bronze. Lieutenant Colonel Moore said, “Many of our supportive employers may still be unaware of their eligibility for the awards, which replaced the SaBRE scheme in 2014. We could not operate without their support and it is only right hat we reflect that correctly. The Employer Recognition Scheme allows us to that.” Visitors enjoyed a series of demonstrations by 124 Company soldiers including a recovery demonstration, weapon familiarisation and engineering skills, all of which the Battalion develops for its Reserve officers and soldiers. After a presentation by the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Nick Moore MBE, CEng, MIMechE, guests from Unipres, M-Tech Autocentre and the Tyne & Wear Fire Service joined officers and soldiers for a Curry Supper, provided by a team of Army Reserve chefs. Stuart Sanderson of Unipres acknowledging the evening said, “Myself and a colleague attended an excellent Employer open evening on Tuesday 6th courtesy of 102 REME and Lt Col Nick Moore which furthered our knowledge and understanding of the opportunities for volunteers. We hope to arrange a follow up meeting in order to develop our relationship further.” All in all an enjoyable evening for all those that took part . For employers of Army Reservists wishing to find out more about the Employer Recognition Scheme or the Armed Forces Covenant details are contained on the Defence Relationship Management website at: https://www.gov.uk/ government/groups/defencerelationship-management