Great Aycliffe & Middridge Partnership (GAMP) continues to support their community through a scheme which funds training for jobseekers. The Employability Skills and Discretionary Fund is the biggest project to-date for GAMP.

As well as providing money to respond to specific training needs, cash has also been invested into a Discretionary Fund, which removes barriers which can prevent people from accessing training and employment.

GAMP Employability Skills and Discretionary Fund, managed by Bishop Auckland College, provided funding, allowing John David Whitfield to complete the NOCN Level 2 Award in CCTV Operations Training and obtain his SIA CCTV licence, which allows him to legally work in the Private Security Industry in the United Kingdom.

This qualification is enhanced by the SIA Door Supervisor licence, which John achieved after he completed the Employability Pit Stop Course, through the Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP), which is also supported by funding through GAMP.

John has been successful in securing employment with All Events Security Ltd (AES), Darlington, Winner of the Northern Echo Business Award and Darlington Business Venture Award Winners, and is thoroughly enjoying his job. The job involves providing security and stewards for a diverse range of organisations and has included working at Rockcliffe Hall, where Tony Hadley was performing, National Cycling Championship, held in Stockton, National Railway Museum, Shildon and many more.

John said that both GAMP processes ran very smoothly and were handled quickly and effectively. He couldn’t praise the projects enough and would encourage other people to apply as it can make a huge difference to one’s life.

For further information on the GAMP Employability & Discretionary Fund Project contact Denise Hopps, Bishop Auckland College, on 01388 443078 or email