Aycliffe Festival got underway this week with several successful events. There was music galore on Thursday with the launch of the Festival in the Town Centre, a fantastic free Party in the Park and also a performance in a local school.

The Pioneering Care Centre’s event was hugely popular with a lot of free activities on offer. Rosedale Lodge and Agnew Community Centre’s fun days were also due to take place on Saturday with everything from inflatable fun to football.

Aycliffe Village Hall was the venue for a social evening with live entertainment from the Smoking Spitfires. The Fairground was very busy over its five day visit with lots of screaming coming from the Miami ride!

Over 70 people enjoyed their cream tea with the Mayoress at her ‘At Home’ in the Council Chamber on Friday.

There are many more events still to take place until the Festival ends on 30th July, so don’t miss out. If you don’t have a Festival Brochure they are available from the Council Offices, Oakleaf Sports Complex, the Library in Central Avenue or you can telephone 300700 and we will post one out to you.





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