Last week, Durham County Council launched the first consultation on our new County Durham Plan (CDP), proposing eighteen key objectives (including: 1. Economy; 2. Sustainable communities; 3. Housing; 4. Infrastructure; along with tourism, the natural and historic environments, high quality design, tackling deprivation, etc – you can see all eighteen here: The consultation then asks 50 questions designed to give us a chance to set the underlying principles and direction of the CDP.
The CDP, as you know, will frame our local development until 2033, so it is vital we get involved. Last time, residents intervened to place Newton Aycliffe at the centre of the Council’s plans, and it is important that we do so again.
I would recommend people to attend the consultation event at the Youth Centre on Monday 25 July, and to consider the consultation in its entirety. However, may I draw readers’ attention to FOUR issues of particular relevance to the future of Newton Aycliffe:
The Plan proposes a target of 73% employment, and outlines the principles which might underlie the County’s economic development (paragraphs 3.5-3.29: Forrest Park (the extension of Aycliffe Business Park) is specifically identified as a location for growth (paragraph 4.11), and Question 11 asks whether the CDP should focus on the most attractive economic market areas. Aycliffe people will wish to agree, stressing not only the primacy of Aycliffe Business Park and the need for the Forrest Park extension, but also that the CDP might include the flexibility to extend the Business Park even further, should the opportunity arise before 2033.
Question 13 gives four options as to where future housing might be situated – do we put it mostly in Durham City, or spread it to various degrees around the County (paragraphs 3.34-3.56: Some places actively do not want new houses. By contrast, a town seeking to thrive would support the ‘Wider dispersal’ option, which places most growth in the south of the county. I often hear it suggested that Newton Aycliffe does not feature in the Council’s plans; this is our chance, should we wish, to offer to be the focus of future growth!
Question 22 talks about the kind of housing we want, and gives an opportunity to ask that developers be required to build bungalows, multi-generational housing etc. Here is our chance to say what kind of housing Newton Aycliffe needs as we seek to grow (paragraphs 4.39-4.49:
Question 31 asks if there are any places which need a new road (paragraphs 4.76-4.93 I will be repeating my request for a north Darlington bypass connecting Aycliffe Business Park directly to the A66, but I guess that readers will have other suggestions – not least the pressing need to upgrade the C35 to Rushyford. We must not allow the CDP to become wholly about Durham City’s traffic system.
You can respond to the consultation by post to FREEPOST SPATIAL POLICY, or reply online via:
Cllr John D Clare