Can you Home a Greyhound?
Darlington Retired Greyhound Trust will be holding a 3 day awareness event on Sat 28th, Sun 29th and Mon 30th May at Hardwick Park 11am – 4pm.
We will have greyhounds looking for homes plus information, advice and help on adopting a greyhound.
If you are interested in adopting a greyhound please come along and have a chat.
Residents Meet
The next meeting of Horndale Residents’ Association is on Wednesday 1st June at 6pm. and is also a PACT meeting.
It will be held at Greenfield Community College with refreshments served at 5.45pm. Everyone welcome.
Souper Time
Once again it is time for Souper Lunch at St Elizabeth’s Church on Wednesday 1st of June at 12.30pm. Two courses for only £3.00 which includes tea or coffee. We look forward to seeing you again.
Saturday June 4th the ever popular Coffee Morning. Come and purchase our delicious Cakes, Bakes and Pies.
Sit with friends and enjoy scones, tea and coffee. A seasonal Raffle will also be on offer.
Four Seats Left on Outing
On Wednesday June 8th St. Clare’s Mothers Union and Fellowship group are going on their yearly outing. This year we are visiting Barnard Castle (Market Day) for around three hours retail therapy!
Then we are travelling on to The Fox Hall Inn Restaurant near Scotch Corner for a late afternoon tea of fish/chips, tea bread and butter followed by Ice Cream.
There are four seats left on the coach if anyone would like to join us. We leave outside St. Clare’s at 9.50am and arrive back around 4.30pm. Total cost is £13, and more information can be had from Pam Lovelass on 316841.
Business as Usual at Cubby
Please note “The Cubby” will be open as usual over the Bank Holiday. Call in for a tasty hot or cold snack at a very reasonable price.
Neville Community Centre, Neville Parade.
Flower Demo
At the next meeting of Shildon and District Flower Club is Monday, 6th June. Area Demonstrator Kate, Riley from Branton near Doncaster will present an evening of flower demonstrating entitled ‘Design for Now’.
The club meets at Shildon Civic Hall at 7.30pm. Free to members- Visitors most welcome – £5 – pay on the door
Contribution to Wecan Group
The Wecan Parents Group is a self funding organisation which supports parents and carers with children who may need a little extra support.
They raise funds and run activities and courses to learn new skills. Honest John has supported the group in the past and we wish to thank him for his recent contribution.