Another full house of partners of Great Aycliffe Community Aid Partnership filled the meeting room at the Agnew Community Centre for the monthly meeting.
Stuart Hudson from Durham Food Bank was the guest speaker telling an interesting story of the important work the Durham Christian Food Bank was doing, going far beyond food support. He said, there were currently 28 food bank outlets in County Durham. Many other services also linked into the important service provided including helping people with energy costs.
New partners Clair Johnston from Veterans at Ease explained the vital work being done in Newton Aycliffe for veterans and serving members of the forces suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other associated mental health disorders.
Chris Palmer was thanked for ably translating for Christine Gressmann, who shared the plight of deaf people in the area A deaf person, trying to obtain help from a social worker who could translate their needs, especially when English wasn’t their first language, was increasingly difficult.
Christine Walton an Officer from Great Aycliffe Town Council attended the meeting at the invitation of Chris Palmer to understand first hand the plight of the deaf community in Aycliffe. She also undated partners on the Great Aycliffe Plan questionnaire online and in the Newton News.
Partners updates included Lifeline Community Action update in respect of their Fashion Show with loads of give-aways for needy families. These were regular event along with many other function for families in Newton Aycliffe who found themselves in need of aid.
Dorothy Bowman from the Western Area Community Centre advised partners about her ladies club that met on a Tuesday afternoon at the Navy Club, and her Dementia Support Group on a Tuesday Morning and all day on a Thursday at Western Area Community Centre.
She also announced the launch of her supported shopping trips for older people who were no longer able to go shopping as they cannot walk or carry goods. The trips are every Friday and could be more if required.
If what you read is of interest to a group you volunteer or work for, the next meeting is on the first Monday in November at 4pm at the Agnew Community Centre. E-mail the secretary on
Community Aid Partners at Work
![Community Aid Partners at Work](