Red Hot & Cole is a dazzling musical, which is set at a swellegant party, spanning the life of Broadway’s greatest wit, the irrepressible Cole Porter. The show gives a scintillating mixture of biography and song.
Performance dates are: Thursday 15th and Friday 16th October at 7:15pm , Saturday 17th Matinee at 2:15pm , Ferryhill Community Centre, Ferryhill Station
Tickets £8 adults £5 children (16 years and under). Available from ticket agent Joan Harker on: 01740 652551
Top – left to right – Deborah Wilson as Linda Porter, (from Aycliffe) Michael Coulson as Cole Porter Bottom – left to right: Elsie McGowan as Ethel Merman, Brian Charlton, Michael Coulson, Isobel Wheatley and Rosemary Jones.