Woodham’s time at the Future Business Magnates has come to an end! On Thursday 29th June the contestants went to Thorn Lighting to compete in the final challenge of the competition. The challenge included a presentation by all eight pupils on every aspect of their business and their product.
The students gave a very enthusiastic and professional performance which was commented on by the judges. They also included a prototype of their product: a stair light for during a black out marketed predominantly towards the elderly.
Woodham, and the students alike are eagerly awaiting the results of this challenge as their preparation and teamwork led to a presentation even the most able public speaker would have been proud to have led.
The sponsors from Hitachi, based on Newton Aycliffe Business Park, were equally impressed with their performance noting that the competition has developed the students’ creative and professional skills in a positive way and they were thrilled with the final presentation.
The students celebrated their efforts at the final presentation event on Friday 3rd July at a special presentation evening held at the Xcel Centre.
Woodham Academy’s Business Magnates