On Friday 15th May students at Woodham Academy held a series of fundraising events in aid of Nepal on behalf of UNICEF.
UNICEF is on the ground in Nepal, delivering clean water and other life-saving emergency supplies for children and families. One in four of Nepal’s population are children and the charity is urgently assessing their needs. For every £55 collected, 5 families in Nepal are provided with clean drinking water.
Students had been exploring the theme of altruism through their morning assemblies and on Friday 15th May, students donated money in the ‘Bring a Pound to School Day. This was followed up by a cake bake on Friday 22nd May; an event which was led by the school’s Future Business Magnates who were hoping to raise funds to manufacture a prototype for their business idea whilst at the same time supporting the fundraising campaign.
In total the students have raised £413.67.  Sarah McGinnety, Associate Assistant Head Teacher at the school, said ‘I am very proud of how our young people have responded to the crisis in Nepal.  They have pulled together as a team to help those most in need.  This is a highly commendable effort’.

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