Dear Sir,
I would like through your publication to commend your story in last week’s Newton News and those Councillors and officers of GATC for their sterling work in negotiating a deal with Durham County Council over the saving of lights on the A167.
Having been disappointed by the intransigence of our County Council over the issue, despite the protestations of the electorate and their elected representatives.
It was refreshing to read that our town council, led by Council Leader Bob Fleming, Deputy Leader Malcolm Iveson supported by town clerk Andrew Bailey had listened to concerns of residents of Great Aycliffe and our business community before taking up the perceived safety issue with DCC officers and negotiating a solution.
Current news sources are reporting an incident in which a lady died whilst walking home on the road in the south of England after road lights had been switched off to save money due to Conservative austerity cuts.
Although a large portion of the running cost of the lights will have to be paid through local rates it will be worth it for making the highway safe. Where I do have a problem is in the perceived double taxation; whereby we pay both councils for the service.
I feel that on this issue my wholehearted support and congratulations must go to those involved and thank them for listening.
Ken Robson
Vice Chairman GARA