Dear Sir,
The first paragraph of Warren Saunders’ letter of last week is proof that the Labour Party is not needed. Every political party has bigoted and prejudiced members and supporters. As for middle class privilege and social mobility, did Tony Blair not achieve this under a Conservative Government in spades? Thereafter, he and the Labour Party lied about weapons of mass destruction and embroiled us in an illegal war.
When I read Warren’s letter it reminded me of the sketch in Monty Python’s ‘Life of Brian’ – “What have the Romans done for us”. Locally, the Labour Party have closed Post Offices, closed Care Homes and now intend to put out the lights! However, their most damaging action has been the introduction of the Cabinet System at County Council level; all the Council electorate have effectively been disenfranchised. The Labour Party Politburo makes all decisions regardless of how the electorate vote.
Nationally, Labour have wreaked havoc:
• Labour embarked upon an Illegal war.
• Labour failed to properly equip the troops they sent to war.
• Labour failed to plan for the ‘peace’.
• Labour sold the nation’s gold reserves when the market was depressed such that we had no reserves when they bankrupted the economy.
• Labour left office after 13 years of misrule with unemployment at an all-time high [The Coalition has created two million new jobs in less than 5 years].
• Labour wrecked the economy, and while in opposition have opposed the Coalition by espousing the socialist policies applied in Greece, France and Italy and other failed states.
• Labour seek to deny us our democratic right to vote for the governance of our choice. We are increasingly governed by the European Union and are entitled to an in/out referendum; Tony Blair and Ed Miliband both disagree. They do not trust the electorate to vote for what the Labour Party want.
• Labour have (in their own minds) engineered a multi-cultural Britain. The reality is that Britain is now a multi-race Britain, no more and no less and many would reasonably argue, a multi-racist Britain. Is it part of the British culture for parents to flee Britain and take their babes-in-arms to a war zone? Is this the culture that the multi-cultural Labour Party set out to achieve?
Labour and the Conservatives are both now promising to build 2 million new homes with the Conservatives also promising full employment. I hope these promises are achieved (without increasing borrowing). However, if we do not leave the EU and apply a proper and fair immigration policy, our taxes will be spent on housing an open-ended number of immigrants from the failed E.U. As for full employment, again the number of jobs we will have to create is open-ended! We will be creating jobs in Britain for millions of E.U. migrants and all of our social and welfare facilities and cultural identity will be overwhelmed.
Newtonians and the country at large need Labour like they need a hole in the head. Vote UKIP and get out of the E.U. and then we may be able to achieve proper housing and jobs for Britain and not for the socialist Europeans who are fleeing their countries due to the failed socialist / Labour economic policies to which they blindly adhere. They are not coming here in the hope of forming a multi-cultural society, they are only seeking jobs and housing which their own failed economies cannot provide.
Alastair P.G.Welsh.
Why Newtonians Don’t Need the Labour Party
![Why Newtonians Don’t Need the Labour Party](