Help Plan the Future of our Town


Angela Corner was at the ‘Fun in the Park’ this week and also at Horndale Residents Association asking people for their initial views for the Neighbourhood Plan.
Angela has met with many other local organisations this week to promote the Neighbourhood Plan including Greenfield College, Active Aycliffe, Sure Start and the Territorial Army.
The steering group had its second meeting, where the Town Wide questionnaire was high on the agenda  and it should be finalised this week. Angela Corner said “The questionnaire will be sent out to all households in Great Aycliffe within the next month, if residents want to have their say on what should change in Aycliffe they need to take 10 minutes out of their day to complete it”
Next week Angela will be at the Fun in the Parks. If your organisation would like her to pop along to see how she could work with you, your staff or service users to get as many people involved as possible, please contact her by telephone 01325 300700 or email