There are thousands of people trapped in poverty whose lives and families are being completely destroyed. We have an answer and are ready to help those who live in and around Newton Aycliffe, but there are still those people who we can’t help.
We are desperate to assist anyone that rings our helpline. To do this we need more people to give cash so that we can help these people in their hour of need.
Would you consider giving regularly to the town’s Registered Charity “Lifeline Community Action” for the “Helping Hands” project. Would you set up a standing order today and donate a few pounds per month to really help us make a difference? Please phone 07936 431262 or e-mail for more details on how you can join those already who are making a difference to many unforunate families through generous donations.
We receive no government funding so rely on people who share our values to give what they can to help. We are all about bringing justice and ‘speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves’.
“Helping Hands” need more people to help us to reach out to 2.500 people, unable to feed their families, living with stress and depression, in the midst of family breakdown or even thinking about suicide – all because of poverty.
Will you throw them a lifeline and make a gift today? On behalf of the poor and needy – thank you!