Dear Sir,
I would like to remind people of Newton Aycliffe and surrounding areas of the new Cancer Support group organised by Allison White, herself recovering from Leukaemia.
The meetings start at 6.00pm and finish at approx 7.30pm. Our next meeting is on Thursday the 6th Of March. and I can assure the meetings are not boring. The first meeting was a great success attended by members of the Macmillan Cancer Support group.
In the future we will be having guest speakers from welfare rights officers dieticians etc covering all aspects of the needs of people suffering or recovering from cancer and their carers.
This is not all doom and gloom as we propose to have enjoyable outings to ten pin bowling, eating out or any other ideas members may have.
Please come along to Neville Parade Methodist Church Hall and join our very friendly group where you can air your views or just sit and listen, and enjoy tea or coffee with biscuits.