Dear Sir,
After attending a Town Council meeting to hear discussion on the West Park Lakes, like Mr Robson, I was disgusted at the way Labour represented just themselves – all singing from the same hymn sheet.
Is this because they all meet on the Monday before the Wednesday meeting, where the agenda is discussed and they are told who and which way to vote, just like sheep?
It stands out a mile when even Labour representatives have no say, and when they do speak or ask questions they are criticised by other Labour Councillors.
You never hear of a non-Labour Councillor getting selected as Mayor of the town even when they have been on the council for years. I wonder why this is? Voters put them on the Council so why does Labour treat them as if they don’t matter?
If the people who put them there didn’t think they could do the work they wouldn’t have voted for them.
There is one Labour Councillor who doesn’t attend meetings so his Ward is not getting a fair representation.
Who is looking after this Councillor’s work for the Ward and is he getting paid the allowance?
M Tomlin