Dear Sir,
If Vince Crosby wants to die pain-wracked with a tumour that has gone beyond pain-killers, manhandled for months to enable his intimate needs, then I absolutely support his right to do so.
But, what I want for me – should it come to it and should I wish – is that I might be able legally to be assisted to shorten those final, frightening, painful days.
Of course, proper protections have to be built into the Act, which is why we have the Parliamentary Committee stage. Everything else is a red-herring and a distractor.
The base issue here is my right, in extremis, to have a say in how I die.
That right is none of Vince Crosby’s business, and I cannot see how he thinks it is his right to tell me that, should it come to it, I must be made to die horribly.
Name and address supplied.