Last Tuesday evening Five Acres Community Garden CIC hosted an evening especially for Great Aycliffe Rotarians. Instead of doing the usual ‘job talk’ at their Club it was decided that Five Acres would ‘showcase’ their facility at ROF59 Activity Centre in Newton Aycliffe and show what we offer on a daily basis for our young adults with additional needs.
Deb and Gav Iceton, the Directors of Five Acres, have a deep affection with Rotary as Deb’s father ‘John Jones’ was a member of the Newton Aycliffe Rotary Club for years, her mother Freda is a Paul Harris Fellow as are Deb and Gav as they have been involved with many Rotary events over the years.
The Rotarians arrived to enjoy a two-course meal, cooked and prepared by our Cooking School and delivered on the evening by Carol Jones the Chief Cook. There then followed a tour of the various departments including our Garden Hub, Media Room, Fitness Hall and Community Garden.
It was a delightful evening where old and new friends came together to have a better understanding of what Five Acres is all about.
It was an absolute pleasure and honour to host the evening.
Thank you all for coming.