Join us as we help shape the future of policing in County Durham and Darlington
It is an absolute privilege to continue serving our communities as Police and Crime Commissioner for County Durham and Darlington.
My first term was a wonderful success, and I have many of you to thank for those achievements.
Back in 2021, you played an instrumental role in helping me to identify the issues that make our communities feel unsafe and impact your quality of life. My first Police and Crime Plan was built around delivering a strong and visible policing presence in our neighbourhoods – just as you had asked – and now, as I develop my new Police and Crime Plan 2025/29, I’m asking for your help again to set the course of policing over the coming four years.
Earlier this month, I launched a survey to capture your voice on a whole series of issues and emerging threats to public safety. These include ASB, drug use and dealing, dangerous driving, off-road bikes and crime reporting, as these are issues that are raised with me frequently. The statistics show that alcohol and drugs are a motivating factor in so many of the crimes reported to police, and it’s important that we address these problems as part of our approach to fighting crime.
If you haven’t yet had time to complete the survey, we will be attending a series of shows, farmers’ markets and other public events over the coming weeks where you will be able to meet members of my team and have a face-to-face chat with either myself, my Deputy Graham Hall or key OPCC staff about the improvements you would like to see.
It’s a busy programme which sees us travel the length and breadth of County Durham and Darlington, putting local people in the driving seat of policing change. It’s important to me that we speak to residents and businesses from all walks of life, backgrounds and communities, from farmers and landowners through to parents, students, civic leaders, volunteers and youth workers, so please come along and tell us what you think.
I cannot emphasise how seriously we value your feedback. My Police and Crime Plan is your Police and Crime Plan. The issues that are important to you are important to me and your views, combined with crime data and public correspondence to my office, will set the tone for how we will approach pressing issues to your safety over the next four years.
Please come along to one of our events and make your voice count – you will make a difference. You can find out more details on my social media pages below.